Nachdem die Release Notes bei GFI noch nicht Online sind, finden hier die Informationen, die wir bis jetzt gefunden haben *:


  • Problem with sending emails from outlook after update to office version 1903 – 11425.20228
  • Calendar not syncing with Outlook for Windows- Active Sync connection
  • Mailbird client error failed to fetch emails
  • Public folder rights – Invalid value
  • Overview of shared sent items folder displays sender instead of the recipient address
  • Verify your Identity pop up when using webmail over HTTPS
  • Calendar events with Attachments causing issues with Active Sync synchronization
  • Dragging a contact from “To:” field to e-mail body doesn’t work
  • LDAP Search no results when using non-standard fields
  • Digital signature from Kerio Connect Client is not accepted by Gmail
  • KOFF not loading correctly after upgrade to Outlook 1903 – 11425.20228
  • Mailbird hangs during account configuration
  • NMAP shows program name as Kerio
  • Prompt on encryption when there is not enough disk space
  • Drag a contact from To to email body does not work
  • EWS: “DateTimeCreated” property is missing
  • Domain folder rights are showing Invalid value

* in wie weit es vollständig bzw. korrekt ist, können wir leider noch nicht sagen.

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