Und hier gleich die nächste Testversion: Kerio Connect 9.4.2 Beta
Neue Features:
- <diese sind noch nicht kommuniziert>
Das sind die vorläufigen Bug Fixes lauten wie folgt:
- “Too many simultaneous connections” even though netstat shows there aren’t many connections
- Kerio connect crashes once “specific” email is opened in WebMail
- MS Outlook for MAC using EWS randomly “forgets” application password (when 2FA is enable do the account)
- Backup module reporting 0 bytes free when the disk space partition is huge and empty.
- KOFF – Attachments in meeting invitations are not working (supported all meeting attachments except text files or csvs)
- Shared Folders with non-ASCII Characters Sync over ActiveSync Regardless of Preference
- [WEBMAIL CONTACTS] If a contact is created with only a “Company” field, making a modification to the Notes and saving corrupts the contact. (Regression)
- .ICS RSVP status is not processed when an external attendee accepts a meeting
- Cannot search for contacts using the Notes and Phone number property in webmail (search by phone number)
- Events Created in Jerusalem Time Zone with “All Day” set are not compatible with O365 / Exchange Accounts
- Fixed timezone for Brasilia
Achtung: Das ist eine Beta Version. Also mit Vorsicht genießen.